Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Creative Ideas for Video Marketing

Still not good at all this creative stuff? Below is a growing grab bag of fun video marketing ideas for real estate agents. Use liberally to give your creative spirits a lift!

Creative Ideas for Your Real Estate Video Marketing Campaigns
  • Look at what others are doing. When in doubt, refer to Jessica Edward's content. She's just doing it right - excellent, relevant and value-add content.
  • Inspirational. What about a new home owner opening the house for the first time? That's an emotional moment! Surely that could touch, move, and inspire a potential client!
  • Commonly asked questions. When you find yourself repeating yourself, shoot a video. Point folks to your site where all those commonly asked questions are housed and save yourself some time. 
  • How-tos: staging your home, becoming a real estate agent, home maintenance, property taxes, design and decor tips and tricks. Remember that "how to" do stuff is a very common search query - your video could make the ranks as an answer to that question.
  • Featured businesses and cross-promotions. I have an innovation management firm which owns the Modern Living Atlanta brand. I'm considering starting an online magazine exploring modern living in all its various forms: style, architecture, decor, community.... from featuring a video with Modoni - one of my favorite modern furniture wholesalers here in Atlanta to other business partnerships. There is endless opportunity to build win-win alliances where banners with discounts, advertisements, advertisements, videos and more are shared between sites. Who do you know in the business development community would would be a great marketing partner?
  • Interview local experts. What's happening with that school rezoning? When will the electric trolley be completed? Get advice and opinions straight from the source - and build a relationship in the process.
  • Home tours. Consider this: if you upload a single video for each room in a house to You Tube, you could use the Spotlight Annotation boxes at the end of your video to create a grid where viewers could select a video by room. Are you more likely to continue clicking when videos are sorted by room on a grid?
  • Be the trends expert and maybe even the market forecaster for your area. Where is your market trending? What's happening in that niche area? Where are you seeing movement, growth, recession, interesting patterns, anomalies? Why? You could also use Brokermetrics to write custom reports for market analytics and release quarterly - that's how Barbara Corcoran met Donald Trump.
  • Afraid to be in front of the camera? How about putting one of your listing clients next to their home's sold sign and asking them for a testimonial. There's also a creative solutions for everything!  
  • Humorous agent in the field videos. You know you got 'em. Be real. Humor sells.
  • Client appreciation videos. Here's a great idea: did your client have a new baby? Buy the baby's domain name from Go Daddy and then use Jib Jab to send a video e-card.
  • Tour guide. Become the mayor of your town! Do an around-town video. Review dining establishments. Attend events. Tell us what events are coming up. Let us ride alongside you on your bike tour. Take us with you as you volunteer in the community.
Do you have any ideas to add to the mix? Please share in the comments below!

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